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It's come to this.
Author: Raine    Date: 03/09/2020 12:54:11

Good Morning. I don't have much to say this morning except this:

Wash those hands. At this point, it almost seems like a panacea, but if that helps to calm nerves, so be it.

Also, now would be a good time for the monster in the White House to resign. Senator Cruz self quarantining, is only the beginning of people realizing that this is not a 'liberal hoax' the virus doesn't care about politics. Maybe it's time the GOP learned that lesson. As I said on the Book of Face, conservatives seem to want the change that liberals do when it affects them personally. That gives me hope that something will be done.

It was only a matter of time before we would experience how inept this administration is. I never would have picked a global pandemic. One thing I know now more than ever is that we elect someone who will get people to vote down-ticket. we need competent leaders in all publicly held offices.

What we are seeing now is the culmination of libertarian republican conservatism -- it's the dystopian Ayn Randian horror story that so many level-headed people thought would happen. We have to get back to the (small d) democratic values that care for the least of our brethren because we really are only as secure as the most vulnerable among us.

I am angry that it literally had to come to this point.


9 comments (Latest Comment: 03/09/2020 18:49:28 by livingonli)
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